
i am bored

I am bored... I am bored of my life, in which I only take part... I am bored of my friends, that can't understand me sometimes... I am bored of the decisions, that i make... I am bored of my studying, that I hate, and I know, that it will give me nothing... I am bored of my crazy life...

But I know one thing: people can live only one live - so am I... And I know, that i can't change my life. I can only agree with the rules of live.

And one more thing do I know: only music can save me...

@музыка: RHCP - "Right on time"

@настроение: I hate this fucking world

21.11.2005 в 19:16

Будь поосторожнее с зеркалом, не то увидишь собственное лицо
what is bored you?!when skeak about the problem,it becomes better...i'm soorry for my mistakes...
21.11.2005 в 19:29

Well. When I'm bored, it means that i hate it, i can't live with it. But some strength in me make me stand it. The name of this strength is LIVE!!!
22.11.2005 в 17:45

Будь поосторожнее с зеркалом, не то увидишь собственное лицо
hey!stop!live is good)))just look around you!!!!!
22.11.2005 в 17:54

I don't think, that i can see something pleasant even if I manage to look around. Maybe you will advice me what to notice?
23.11.2005 в 17:58

Будь поосторожнее с зеркалом, не то увидишь собственное лицо
i don't know...our life is full of wonders,but as a rule they are simple!!!like sun,smiles....
23.11.2005 в 20:17

Sometimes eve sun cann't heat you, sometimes even smiles may seem dull and dark. It looks, like someone tries to irritate you with his(her) smile. This time is called depression...
24.11.2005 в 00:11

Индивидуальность - всегда исключение. И потому то, что "никому не под силу", может сделать каждый.
It's your own choise - not to notice, not to smile... You try to look as if nothing pleasant can touch u, make u feel ok... U know that there're a lot of wonderful, marvellouse things... But u dont need them because u make urself think so...

But i understand, i know that it's smtimes really so, that u can do nothing...

PS. Как же быстро я забываю язык.. Давно в руки не брала.. Извини, если там чт-т "криво" написано...

А ты молодец в том, что ты знаешь свою проблему, можешь ее анализировать и тд.. По крайней мере, ты понимаешь...
25.11.2005 в 21:13

I agree with you, Another side of the Moon. The problem is that i can't get rid of my depression. It's terrible... I don't want to wear a mask on my face when I am with my friends. But I have to wear it, because i want nobody of my friends to blame her...
24.01.2006 в 20:07

Well u know all ur depressions are just a bit childish they are just full of your yearning for something. It's an image just a feature of your style. Anyway they help u to create whatever u create and to express urself. That's important. Then just we all want to be depressive little kids trying to escape this world in any way possible but better fight it and win your chance for happyness.try to overcome your frustration even if you're in love with it. do not ruinorself noone will appreciate it and it will bring u notning. whatever happens never give in.
01.04.2006 в 15:12

Привет! Это я, та самая девушка с которой ты тогда гулял.Потом создам себе diary и буду зваться не гостем аннонимным, а собой.До боли мы так похожи. То, что я написала раньше правда, то, что я пишу сейчас тоже. Я иногда чувствую то же самое, но есть маленькое но: я хочу чтобы сил хватало, очень сильно хочу и боюсь их недостатка.А вообще я не знаю, мы с тобой эгоисты.
01.04.2006 в 15:28

странно... Раньше мы не были столь эгоистичны, раньше мы были внимательны друг к другу. Я против этого эгоизма...

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