Новая песня, очень жестокая и очень страшная... Не словами, а смыслом, извините что на английском, но на русском пока такое не выходит... Скоро английский станет мне родным...

Почему мы не живем, а играем в жизнь?

The games we play

We fall in love like we are playing,

And then give up and no more saving…

We make new friends and trust them deeply,

And then are killed when they are tricky…


These are, these are, these are

The games we play,

You are, you are you are

My sunlight of the day…

We think that money can save our lives,

We consider rich people to be our gods…

We try to enjoy the way we are living

And try to be saved by alcohol drinking…

Припев ( 2 раза ):

These are, these are, these are

The games we play,

You are, you are you are

My sunlight of the day…

Whom we ought to blame?

Why we are not angels?

Why we play these games?

Why we try to stand it?

Whom we ought to blame?

Why we are so fragile?

Why we play these games?

Why we are still standing?